
Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Preposition and Silent Letter

Hello guys,, welcome back to my posting. In this chance, I’ll tell you about Preposition ‘At’ ,’In’ and ’On’ and about Silent Letter .

Well, for the first is about the preposition.

Preposition is a word that connects the noun phrase (noun), pronoun (pronoun), or to other parts of the sentence.
Below are some of the use of prepositions can acquire.
a.    to the office
b.    at the desk
c.    on the table
d.    in an hour
e.    about myself
A preposition used to indicate direction, location, time, or to introduce an object. Here is an example of the use of prepositions On, At, and In.

  1. Used when you want to express something surface:
I put a pencil on the kitchen table.
The newspaper is on my desk.
  1. Used to indicate the day and date:
My uncle comes on Wednesday.
I was born on the 21th day of June in 1988.

  1. Used to indicate device or machine, such as telephones and computers:
He was on the phone yesterday morning.
He has been on the computer since this afternoon.
My favorite cartoon will be on TV tonight.
  1. Used to indicate parts of the body:
The stick hit me on my neck.
She kissed me on my cheek.
I wear a ring on my foot finger.

  1. Used to indicate the state of something:
All clothes in this store is on sale.
The house is on fire.

  1. Used to indicate a specific time:
I will meet he at 12 p.m.
The car will stop here at 5:45 p.m.

  1. Used to indicate a place:
There is a party at his house.
There were hundreds of dogs at the park.
We saw a football game at the stadium.

  1. Used to indicate the email address:
Visit my email at

  1. Used to indicate an activity:
He applauses at my acting.
I am good at taking a portrait photo.

  1. Used for time was not specific as day, month, season, and year:
She always reads comic in the morning.
In the summer, we have a rainy season for four weeks.
The new semester will start in June.
  1. Used to indicate the location or place:
She watched me directly in the eyes.
I am currently sleeping in a hotel.
My hometown is Jakarta, which is in Kemang.

  1. Used to indicate the shape, color, or size:
This painting is mostly in red.
The football players stood in a circle.
These clothes come in four different sizes.

  1. Used to express a job doing something else:
In making for the final report, we revised the tone three times.
A catch phrase needs to be impressive in marketing a product.

  1. Used to indicate a belief, opinions, interests, or feelings:
I believe in the next life
We believe in God.
We are not interested in kidding.

               And for the second is Silent Letter
Silent letter is a letter that in a particular word does not correspond to any sound in the word's pronounciation.
In the picture below is the examples of silent letter

Well, I think enough for this chance , I hope it all useful for us. Thanks for your visitation on my posting and  See you later .

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