Goes to Expo Pendidikan Untan
Hello everybody?? How was your day? I hope you all enjoy your day yah...
Well, at this moment I want to share you my story When Exploring to Expo Pendidikan Untan. Check it out!!!
That day, In May 9, 2017 , My Friends and I went to Expo Pendidikan Untan. It's held in Auditorium Untan, Pontianak . Its event is for celebrating of 58th Universitas Tanjungpura Birthday. We went there by motorcyle.
Did you know? There were some Stands We had visited. First stand we visited was Amcor Untan. In Amcor Untan stand, there were some books, and others such as: 3D Pen, game (i forgot the name of that game, hehe). During there, we played game , which it was very fun to be played and grind our brain, we played it with group and by finding letters then arrange it to words in English. One thing made my group and I happy was when we won that game and we got Amcor Pins, hehe..
Then, We went to UPT bahasa stand. There were also some books, and one thing made me attracted was that game, it's english test game. I played its game and of course I won it, you know? It's very easily. And My Friends also played it then won it. We all got prize, a Teh Kotak for us wkwk.... That's not bad, because we got it free haha..
After that, we visited Mapala Untan Stand, we just looked around and took me a photo hehe..
Next stand, we visited BCLC Stand. There, we wrote our aspirations in next ten years on a sticky note . Also we took the photo to be uploaded in Instagram, we got some souvenirs.
And next stand was Teknik Arsitektur Stand. We looked around, there were some sketchs of regions or buildings and also there had a miniature of Kapuas Hulu Region, then we took a photo. Its miniature was so amazing, I was so loved it.
Next stand , We visited Fakultas Kehutanan Stand. There were some objects that were antique. Overall, in that Stand showed tradition custom objects . And also there were specimens of Frog kind.
The next stand again, we visited Studio Data. In that stand, we took some photos, we really enjoyed .
And The Last Stand, we visited Fakultas Mipa Stand. In that stand, I played game that named Electric untouch. But I lost that game, because it's so hard to play. Then, I took a photo in Kimia Stand.
Well, It's my report of Exploring Expo Pendidikan.
Actually, there are many things we do, but I forget and can't remember all of it. Hmm... I hope its event can be held again next year...
I think enough for this chance, thanks for visiting my blog and see you.
Hello everybody?? How was your day? I hope you all enjoy your day yah...
Well, at this moment I want to share you my story When Exploring to Expo Pendidikan Untan. Check it out!!!
That day, In May 9, 2017 , My Friends and I went to Expo Pendidikan Untan. It's held in Auditorium Untan, Pontianak . Its event is for celebrating of 58th Universitas Tanjungpura Birthday. We went there by motorcyle.
Did you know? There were some Stands We had visited. First stand we visited was Amcor Untan. In Amcor Untan stand, there were some books, and others such as: 3D Pen, game (i forgot the name of that game, hehe). During there, we played game , which it was very fun to be played and grind our brain, we played it with group and by finding letters then arrange it to words in English. One thing made my group and I happy was when we won that game and we got Amcor Pins, hehe..

Then, We went to UPT bahasa stand. There were also some books, and one thing made me attracted was that game, it's english test game. I played its game and of course I won it, you know? It's very easily. And My Friends also played it then won it. We all got prize, a Teh Kotak for us wkwk.... That's not bad, because we got it free haha..
After that, we visited Mapala Untan Stand, we just looked around and took me a photo hehe..
Next stand, we visited BCLC Stand. There, we wrote our aspirations in next ten years on a sticky note . Also we took the photo to be uploaded in Instagram, we got some souvenirs.
And next stand was Teknik Arsitektur Stand. We looked around, there were some sketchs of regions or buildings and also there had a miniature of Kapuas Hulu Region, then we took a photo. Its miniature was so amazing, I was so loved it.
Next stand , We visited Fakultas Kehutanan Stand. There were some objects that were antique. Overall, in that Stand showed tradition custom objects . And also there were specimens of Frog kind.
The next stand again, we visited Studio Data. In that stand, we took some photos, we really enjoyed .
And The Last Stand, we visited Fakultas Mipa Stand. In that stand, I played game that named Electric untouch. But I lost that game, because it's so hard to play. Then, I took a photo in Kimia Stand.
Well, It's my report of Exploring Expo Pendidikan.
Actually, there are many things we do, but I forget and can't remember all of it. Hmm... I hope its event can be held again next year...
I think enough for this chance, thanks for visiting my blog and see you.
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